The Legends of Personal Training, Personal Trainers, Larry Stone and Christy Stone would like to invite you in for a FREE Personal Training Evaluation, They specifically listen to your needs and what you would like to achieve, for your specific fitness goals. Then your personal trainer tailors your fitness training program and nutrition to the individual, to achieve your goals, the fastest and easiest way. Wheather, you're toning up and want to lose body fat, or on a toning & sculpting program or wanting to build muscle and improve strength and endurance, or for our senior citizen program for strength, balance and mobility, or Stretching Programs, your personal trainer always keeps a fun and enjoyable tone to every training session. Your personal trainer will make sure, you always walk away from your workouts with MORE energy than when you came in.

They Guarantee It!


Larry and Christy Stone have been Personal Trainers for over 20 years, and they pride themselves on providing their clients with the highest quaility of service in Personal Training today. They offer IN HOME TRAINING, TRAINING IN YOUR OFFICE (In Lake Wales or Winter Haven), In a nearby PARK, or you are Welcome to come to their Fitness Studio on their Ranch (in Lake Wales), whichever is convenient for you.  They always try to accommodate you with the days and times, working best with your schedule.  They offer one on one Personal Training, or you can invite one or two friends to be trained with you. They offer discounts for anyone who trains with a family member or a friend/friends.  

Body by Stone Personal Trianing clientele has consisted of thousands of people in demanding careers, from Firefighters, Police Officers, Doctors, Lawyers, Mothers, Professional Models, Actors, Servers, Managers, Resturant Owners, Truck Drivers, Accountants, Teachers, School age and Senior Athletes, Professional Golfers, Professional Football Players, Real-estate brokers, Beauty Queens, Preachers, Personal Trainers, Exercise Physiogists, College Professors, Professional Dancers & gymnasts, just to name a few. Larry and Christy Stone have trained Men, Women and Children from the ages of 11 years old to 100 years old. 

Here are few things their clients are saying about Body by Stone Personal Trainers,                                                        Larry and Christy Stone

We have always wanted to train together. Larry & Christy worked out their schedules so we could, we really enjoy training with them.

Brooke and Bobby

We loved that they offered, In Home Personal Training. Our trainer made it so much fun, it didn't even feel like we were working out. We can't wait till our next workout. 

Hal and Marge

George is pretty proud of his bicep, as, he should be, after, only training for a month now.             Great Job George!

Say Hello to George

I worked out with 2 other trainers & thought I was getting in good shape. It wasn't till I trained with Christy Stone that my results were faster & I noticed a big difference in my body definition. I looked and felt better in a shorter period of time. In short, I am 62 now and i have been training with Christy for 11 years & she is the best! 


Nobody pumps me up the the Stones!


Personal Training for Men & Women of all ages ~

This man, is Truely Amazing!  His name is Ken and you wouldn't know it to look at him, but, he is 99 years young.  He just started his In Home Training program with Body by Stone, 2 weeks ago, and he's doing "Great!" Before training Ken, our oldest clients have been in there late 80's & have made tremendous progress. He is now our oldest client we have ever trained, & he is looking forward to being stronger, more stable & more flexible with our training. And, it won't be long, he has great Potential!

Ken at 99


Ken at 100 years of age

Ken is now 101 years of age & is still going strong with his In Home Personal Training Program. He has doubled all the weights he was using and has made tremendous progress with his flexibility and strength, & his personal trainer Christy Stone has also resolved a recurring hip injury that wasn't healing correctly and has improved his balance and stability immensely. Christy says "Ken is one of the most positive individuals, I have ever had the pleasure of training."

~ We Offer ~  In Home Personal Training, Personal Training at our Private                                Fitness Studio, or In your Office

~ Individual consultations on body fat reduction plans and Eatting    Regiments.

~ Weight Training Programs on how to Tone, Firm and Sculpt your body       to your satifaction.

~ Strength and Endurance Training for Improved Athletic Performance.

~ Learn how to relieve pain in your body with simple stretching techniques.

   Contact us at: 

Lake Wales, Florida and Winter Haven, Florida



Body by Stone 

Body by Stone Personal Training provides you with the support, guidance, and encouragement needed to reach and maintain your fitness goals.  Ultimately, the focus is on helping you develop sustainable and balanced fitness habits that you'll keep up with for a lifetime.

Age Group 40 - 100 years old, Exercise to be Healthy & Live without pain, Feel Fantastic Everyday, We can show you how. Come in for a FREE Fitness Evaluation  to see how easy it is to feel better. Exercise should be fun & enjoyable, you should look forward to doing it.